Monday, January 26, 2015



The original mask was reported to have had the beard break off and then be glued back on in an Egyptian museum.  I saw a brief view of the repair job, I think, on TV today.  I wasn't sure it was the original mask so I ran a search on the internet.  King Tut had over 4 million  hits.  King Tut's mask had over 300,000 hits.

The search engine brought up a group of eight or more different images without identifying the original version.  I presume all were copies.  So here is my photo taken in the Royal Egyptian Museum in Cairo.  It was taken when I was on a side trip to Cairo, when the Strathnaver, that I took from Melbourne to Marseilles in October of 1957, was one of the first cruise ships through the Suez Canal after several years blockage.

My history knowledge of King Tut is all jumbled up in my mind - thought he was a boy king and wouldn't have a beard.  I think he came from a different pyramid than the one I climbed (Cheop's).  I didn't realize the privilege I had to see it.  There were less than a dozen other visitors in the museum.  When the mask was on tour in the U.S.A. several dozen years ago the lines to see it were blocks long.  Anyway, I suspect the picture I took of the mask above is of the original one.  So you can compare and tell which is the real one if you want to buy a copy.  It looked like they are for sale, but not the original.

I'll get back to evolution topics soon, I hope.

Joe Engemann     January 26, 2015

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