Saturday, September 10, 2016




The need for an intercessor is a natural part of our individual developmental history.  Our parents arrange things for us when we are young.  Unfortunately, some of us never become independent.  In church we learn about a God so supreme, yet invisible to us, we may think we need someone that speaks his language and is on intimate terms with him and thus has the opportunity to submit our requests.  We often turn to some of those listed below to do so, although we can, and maybe should, go directly to the source.

Family and friends

Those closest to us probably already know about our problems and needs, already are concerned for us, and may already be praying for us.  Praying with them may be a step ahead of the problem because, as Jesus said, “where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I also.”

Saints and Holy People

Saints are known intercessors as they are recognized today.  Like Mother Theresa, who completed the process of official recognition with canonization September 4, 2016 after investigation and acceptance of the second miracle, and a first one earlier needed for beatification, there are undoubtedly other instances of miracles to her credit. 

Holy people you know personally may be effective intercessors.  Historically, there seems to be one or more Saints for every need.  I think that there are so many people beseeching the Blessed Mother of Jesus with remarkable success that I came up with the thought that there were too many for her personal attention (although I have no idea what Saints in Heaven are capable of doing personally); it seemed logical that God was listening in (he knows all of us and our inmost thoughts) and grants things to us to show his love for us and for the intercessor we have chosen.  That was perhaps in my subconscious when I brought St. Ann, the grandmother of Jesus, in as my go to Saint when asking for miracles.  Grandmothers have a special place in the hearts of children, so how could Jesus refuse her request or intercession?  I still ask Jesus to show his love for his parents and grandmother, as well as my parents and many others in heaven as well as for family and friends there.

If you give something to charitable organizations, they often share your address with other similar organizations.  The pleas for money are often accompanied with requests for your prayers and monetary contributions and the promise that you will be included in their prayers.  They have honed their appeals to touch your heartstrings, and I suspect the most extreme or effective ones are prepared by hired consultants that will do the job regardless of the merits of the organization.  I am inclined to limit my responses to ones I know are effectively pursuing the designated charitable cause.  Scams can often follow natural disasters faster than reputable charities in making their requests.

If you give to a fake charity it is possible God will reward you for your good intentions.  I am sure he will reward you for your good intention even more so when it is a legitimate charity.


Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

God is the source of all good, the Creator of the world and all that is in it.  God is the lover of his creation including each of us.  God demonstrated his exceptional love for us by becoming human for us and redeeming us by his suffering for us, all things foretold in the Old Testament.  He is with us always inspiring and guiding us via his Holy Spirit if we are willing to listen.  As the world goes on, with outcomes resembling the chance events we consider are explanations of the course of worldly events, God is willing to make special concession to his ultimate creative result on planet earth; we can ignore similar possible events on billions of other planets in the universe.

So, as the one that made the rules governing the universe, God is the one that can ultimately insert miraculous events without disrupting the creation he made.  Don’t worry about it.  God knew it would happen over twelve billion years ago when he created the universe.  As the ultimate spiritual being, God is outside of time by our perspective, eternally aware of the whole scope of time.

Ask away.  And grow closer to God (from your point of view).

Joe Engemann     Kalamazoo, Michigan     September 10, 2016

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